Mineral content

Mineral content

A water molecule contains only two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. Pure water is odourless and tasteless and cannot be found in a pure chemical state in nature. Water composition changes during its circulation in nature, as it dissolves rocks during its journey. That is why, in addition to the basic H2O molecule, it also contains minerals that it dissolved on its way. It is the mineral content that is highly variable among waters. Minerals significantly determine the taste of the water.

Minerals and health

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium are substances that our body needs in certain amounts, but cannot synthesise. They have to be fed into the body with food and drink, and natural mineral water can be a good source. However, not all minerals are equally beneficial to health. Some are preferred, e.g. calcium and magnesium, others less desirable, e.g. sodium. The composition of Dana is very beneficial for the human body, as it contains a relatively high amount of calcium (>60 mg/l) and magnesium (>30 mg/l) and has a low content of other less preferred minerals, such as sodium. In terms of mineral content in milligrams per litre of water (mg/l), water is classified into:

  • highly mineralised water (more than 1000 mg/l minerals),
  • medium mineralised water (500 to 1000 mg/l),
  • low mineralised water (less than 500 mg/l).

Dana ranks among the MEDIUM to LOW MINERALISED water, as it contains on average only 525 mg/l of dissolved mineral substances. Among them, the predominant ones are essential minerals, namely calcium and magnesium, while the concentrations of less desired minerals are low (e.g. sodium, chlorine, nitrates and sulphates). Waters with medium and low mineralisation may have a slight diuretic effect and contribute to the removal of excess water from the body.


The designation of natural mineral water is not conditional on the quantity of the minerals it contains, but rather its purity, constant composition throughout the years, and recognition of the water source and quality by the competent ministry. Therefore, it represents a “commitment” of sorts to the consumer, who can choose the best from a diverse range of products. Natural mineral water comes from its own source underground that is completely protected from any contamination. Such water is normally bottled at the source or transmitted to the bottling plant through short pipelines. It is collected practically at the site of origin. The composition of natural mineral water does not change or changes by no more than ± 20% due to natural fluctuations. This suggests that the water resource is stable and not affected by environmental disturbances. This does not apply to all water sources – for example, water originating from surface water, whose consistency of composition may be questionable. The main ingredients of Dana water (Ca, Mg, hydrogencarbonates) are constant and stable over years of analyses or fluctuate within the permitted natural fluctuations. All this is marked on the packaging.


Calcium is undoubtedly one of the most well-known minerals and the main building block of our skeleton. It plays an important role in maintaining bones. Our body contains as much as 1 kg of calcium! If we do not get enough calcium in our youth, the body draws from its own calcium deposits, which can be manifested in bone fragility and osteoporosis in older years. A litre of mineral water provides as much calcium as two glasses of milk. Dana natural mineral water contains a relatively large amount of calcium, more than 60 mg/l.


This could also be referred to as the mineral for relaxation. The cause of our malaise can sometimes be a lack of magnesium, a mineral that improves our physical ability, contributes to the transmission of nervous stimuli and the regulation of muscle contractions. It plays an important role in the functioning and relaxation of muscles, it has a beneficial effect on digestion, and supports the absorption of calcium in the body.

Dana natural mineral water contains on average more than 30 mg/l of magnesium.


Hydrogencarbonate can be found in every natural mineral water. It neutralises excess acid in the body (e.g. in the stomach, blood and muscles) and thus helps control the acid-base balance. The intake of excessive amounts of food rich in protein and carbohydrates, as well as the modern lifestyle full of haste, stress and lack of physical activity, lead to the accumulation of too much acid in the body. Prolonged acidification of body tissues and liquids can be a cause of numerous chronic diseases. In order to maintain balance, it is important to eat basic foods such as fruit, vegetables, milk and herbs and to drink natural mineral waters, especially those with a hydrogencarbonate content. Dana natural mineral water contains on average more than 390 mg/l of hydrogencarbonate.


Sodium belongs among the less desirable ingredients of mineral waters. Far more sodium than needed is introduced into the diet through cooking salt, which results in adverse effects on health. One of the basic steps in case of increased blood pressure is limiting salt and thus sodium in the diet. Attention should also be paid to basic food and water. Dana contains on average only 2.3 mg/l if sodium. Due to the low sodium content, Dana was issued a decision by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food on the fulfilment of the conditions for the additional label “Water suitable for a low-sodium diet”. Usually, this is the diet in the case of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.


In nature, nitrates also result from human activity in nature, mainly the use of artificial and natural fertilisers. The proportion of nitrate intake through drinking water increases with the increase in nitrate concentration in drinking water. Drinking water with nitrate concentrations above 50 mg/l represents a health problem for infants, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Dana has a low nitrate content – below 5 mg/l, which is 10 times less than the permitted nitrate content in water.

Dana water is pH neutral

The pH value is a known acidity and alkalinity criterion ranging between 0 and 14. The pH values in the human body are precisely regulated. The pH of our skin is acidic and is about 5.5, while the pH of the blood is slightly alkaline, above 7. Natural mineral waters can have a pH value of 6.5 - 9.5 according to the regulations. Dana water has a highly favourable pH with an average value of between 7.30 - 7.40. This is a non-aggressive and practically neutral pH, which is highly beneficial for the body. The value is very similar to the pH of the blood (which is between 7.35 and 7.45).